The shoulder is the most vulnerable joint in the body. You might guess it’s the knee because knee pain is quite common. But the knee is a hinge joint, which is more durable than a ball-and-socket joint. The shoulder is technically a ball and socket joint…but it’s actually more of a ball-and-saucer joint. As a…
Read MoreInjuries
Injuries appear in two forms: suddenly and gradually. One example of a sudden injury is a torn ACL when skiing: too much torque is applied to the hinge joint of the knee, which was not designed to withstand those forces. These types of injuries usually result in immediate, intense pain, and often require surgical intervention.…
Read MoreDeadlift
Look at this baby’s deadlift! Zero core activation. Rounded back. Pronated feet. Who holds dumbbells like that? Get a hex bar for Pete’s sake. And put on a shirt. Lay off the dairy products and do a plank. A deadlift is serious business. It’s a lift you have to earn. Skip the foundation and you…
Read MoreGravity
Gravity is both friend and foe. When astronauts first returned to earth, researchers observed a decline in muscle and bone mass, which is why their schedules now include regular exercise (I need to see the space station gym btw). The first thing a patient with osteoporosis is advised to do is weight-bearing exercise, so while…
Read MoreMasks
Listen, I don’t have time for this. Just wear your mask properly. And don’t look at me like that. I’m sick of it too.
Read MoreSandbox
I like building things. I didn’t initially see the parallels between music and training, but I derive creative joy from both endeavors. Playing music links both hemispheres of the brain. There is the mathematical blueprint of the written music, which then requires expression from the instrumentalist to bring it to life. When I am practicing…
Read MoreYour Body is Your Temple
Years ago, I was attending a nutrition seminar at a conference. The speaker was explaining some of the harmful effects of sugar and fats. I was taking notes when he said something stunning: “hydrogenated fats have a molecular structure closer to plastic than to food.” My pen froze and I looked up at him. He…
Read MoreHow to Work In
Working in means seamlessly inserting yourself into the routine of the other person who was there before you, not stripping down their configuration so you can override their workout with your own. Just like gutter-bombing on the expressway disrespects the other drivers also trying to get home for dinner or catch a flight, people who…
Read MoreExercise Tips from a Violinist
Be Patient Progress takes time. I started playing the violin when I was four years old. I grew up with the understanding that things worth having require work and are not easily attainable. We live in a world that promotes instant gratification, but it takes a lifetime to master the violin. Being a violinist requires…
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