“Barb is the GOAT! I have been blessed to work with the very best trainers in NY, CA and Chicago and Barb is by far the best trainer, hands down. She is highly skilled, extremely knowledgeable, results-oriented, and totally dedicated to making sure you hit success. Not to mention she makes it enjoyable and challenging - you will never be bored. Barb got me lean and fit for my wedding, and throughout the decades she continues to keep me in great shape without any injuries. I always say Barb is the body whisperer and I am so thrilled she opened a studio in Wilmette. I used to commute to the city to see her, so now the best trainer is on the North Shore! And for all the guys reading this, she doesn’t just get women lean and fit, she is also the answer for men. I was originally referred to Barb from a guy friend who looked amazing. I have witnessed the guys who have training sessions before or after me, and she has earned the reputation as the in-demand trainer for both men and women looking to get to the next level. Barb won’t ever disappoint. She never has for the past two decades and counting.”
Barbie Marcovici
"I have trained with Barb for over thirteen years and she has truly changed my body. From pre-kids, through pregnancy into my early forties, Barb has made me stronger both mentally and physically. When I moved out of Chicago and went to virtual training this past year, Barb blew my mind with her innovative training set-ups and ideas. It's like have the most amazing secret training weapon on your phone when Barb is there!"
Lisa Hurwitz
"The combination of her background, personal dedication, and creativity makes Barb such an exceptional trainer. I have learned a great deal about anatomy and physiology from her, which has been useful in my own work as a yoga instructor. I can honestly say Barbara is the best in the business."
Amanda Freymann

“I began video training with Barbara having just recovered from a running injury. I had never worked with a personal trainer and was grateful when a good friend made the recommendation/introduction. I couldn’t be more pleased with my work with Barbara, she blends her deep knowledge and expertise with a very engaging approach. The results motivate me to push harder and I notice much improved core strength, balance and overall fitness. I highly recommend Barbara to anyone interested in improving fitness and well-being during these unusual and challenging times”.
Amy Owen
"Barb has taken my physical and mental strength to new heights. Among clients, she is famous for her 'MacGyver Gift'. She keeps things fresh by constantly expanding each client's routine and she always goes that extra mile. Barb treats me like a pro-athlete and I am living life to the fullest!"
Brooke Kemmerer
“Barbara transcends the definition of personal trainer. As much as it is a practice of science, there is a true art to her work. Her multi-faceted approach combines passion, creativity, understanding and expertise. One cannot know what it is like to work with the most talented trainer until they have trained with Barbara.”
Max Eisenberg
"Hands down, working with Barb was the best investment I ever made. I've never been so lean or felt so strong in my entire life. Barb knows how to combine exercises for my specific body type, and when to change my program for optimum results. She gives the right combination of compassion, expertise and motivation. There is nobody better than Barb!”
Maurissa Kanter
“Working with Barb over the past six years has taught me the correct way to exercise the muscle groups I need to keep me active and healthy. Her attention to detail, from the equipment she buys to the corrections she makes as I work out with my husband, have kept me from a knee replacement. My husband has Parkinson’s Disease and her work on balance and strength have kept his disease from progressing. The gym is immaculate and well-equipped. And she lets you design your own playlist. During the pandemic, she trained us remotely which meant we could still stay in shape (little did I know our couch could be used for split squats). I’ve had excellent trainers before, but no one as precise about form as Barb. She’s for serious people who want to get into shape. This is a five-star operation!”
Katharine Hathaway
"I have seen firsthand that Barbara is truly at the top of her profession, and she continues her studies to stay on the cutting edge."
John Blievernicht
“Barbara’s approach to training is both meticulous and creative. Her clients are extremely happy with their results.”
Joe Dowdell
"Barbara is one of the most sought-after trainers and an exceptional talent. She embodies the very best of the fitness industry. A dedicated professional, Barbara Queen is who the term 'Elite Personal Trainer' was created for."
Michael Youssouf

“Thank you, Barb for keeping me fit and sane since Covid. You are such a pro. You somehow strike the perfect balance of expecting the most out of me while keeping it enjoyable and fun. I never want to know life without you as you keep me agile, fit and pain free."